Explore projects
This is the archived static web site of Better. It will be kept online so as not to break existing links.
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Small Web / henry-dist
OtherThe distribution repository for the Small Web Reference Client (Henry).
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A photoblog for Laura’s sewing stuff, showcasing the Site.js Starter Theme.
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Small Web / henry
OtherA spike of the secret path authentication (SPA) scheme.
Topics: small webUpdated -
A basic WebSocket Remote Procedure Call (RPC) example in Site.js using DotJS WebSocket routes.
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A demo of the Site.js starter blog, with the starter blog documentation as the content.
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A transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for Small Web applications that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.
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Based on github: fdcastel/cygrsync, a portable distribution of rsync with SSH for Windows. Uses the binaries from cygwin. Runs without cygwin installed.
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Slides.com template project for presenting exported presentations using Site.js with slight tweaks to the presenter display.
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A Visual Studio Code and VSCodium extension that enables you to comment out sections of your CSS even if they contain comments. Basically, it adds the ability to have nested comments in CSS to VScode (and VSCodium).
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Automated and manual setup for Site.js sites. (Note: this is mainly for my reference at the moment.)
The manual instructions are for Eclips.is.
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Aral Balkan / should-i-pipe-it
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Is this installation script safe to pipe into my shell?