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A simple local site server implementation to facilitate local testing. Installed by the Builder ./install script.
(On production, the site is served via nginx.)
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Sets up the generated data GitLab server for Better. (Default: data.gitlab.fyi)
Built for and only tested on Ubuntu 14.04 TLS on CloudScale.ch
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Sets up a Gitlab server for the drafts (sites, trackers) generated by the Inspector.
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Sets up the HTTP Archive server (static nginx server) for Better.
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Security spike planning (we will only be using the issues on this).
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Spike 1: OpenCrypto In Browser: Key Generation, Persistence, & Retrieval
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Spike 2: Re-Implement Spike 1 Using Libsodium
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To authenticate with the server for the REST and WebSocket APIs, we will be using JWT with a publickey authentication scheme, implemented within Passport.
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Publickey Authentication With Feathers, Vuex, And Nuxt
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Local testing server for domain name registration and server setup APIs
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Hallo.gent empowers the citizens of Ghent with their own federated personal web sites at their own domain. It’s the home of Hallobot, who guides you seamlessly through the process of registering, setting up, and getting onto your own site.
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