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  • Renée Kooi's avatar
    Console panel (#468) · 91826ab7
    Renée Kooi authored
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    This is a 🙋 feature
    <!-- Provide a general summary of the changes in the title above -->
    This implements the 2nd panel for `bankai start`, showing console output from the server rendered app (don't know if there's anything else?).
    SSR uses a separate Console instance, injected as a global `console` variable using [require-with-global]( That `console` writes to a stream which is saved by lib/ui.js. Pressing 2 in the `bankai start` TUI will switch to the console panel, which is an [ansi-scrollbox]( that renders the saved console output. ansi-scrollbox still needs more features and optimization (it's currently probably very slow for many thousands of lines) but it does sort of work.
    ## Checklist
    <!-- Remove items that do not apply. For completed items, change [ ] to [x]. -->
    - [ ] tests pass
    - [ ] tests and/or benchmarks are included
    - [ ] documentation is changed or added
    ## Semver Changes