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Inclusive and accessible section rewrite

Laura Kalbag requested to merge inclusive-and-accessible into master

I’ve just rewritten the bit on Inclusivity and Accessibility to make it a little clearer what inclusivity is, and to make the whole section easier to understand. And it’s barely any longer!


Accessibility in the physical world is the degree to which an environment is usable by as many people as possible. Accessibility in technology is the degree to which technology is usable by as many people as possible. We can think about both kinds of accessibility as forms of inclusion.

Small Technology takes an inclusive approach to accessibility.

With accessible design, we must be careful not to assume we know what’s best for others, despite our differing needs. Doing so often results in colonial design, creating patronizing and incorrect solutions.


Being inclusive in technology is ensuring people have equal rights and access to the tools we build and the communities who build them, with a particular focus on including people from traditionally marginalised groups. Accessibility is the degree to which technology is usable by as many people as possible, especially disabled people

Small Technology is inclusive and accessible.

With inclusive design, we must be careful not to assume we know what’s best for others, despite us having differing needs. Doing so often results in colonial design, creating patronising and incorrect solutions.

I did consider qualifying “Small Technology is inclusive and accessible” with “as possible,” because neither is an absolute value. However I think this would weaken the strength of the statement, and would probably need an accompanying explainer which would make the whole thing too long.


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